- peace
- weight gain
- chemo to stop growth and reduce size
- miraculous disappearance ( We're with you on this one, Jennie)
- healing of chemo side effects (specifically mouth sores)
- ease and success of radiation
- spirit and stamina
- cancer to never come back
- one of stem-cell donors to be a 6/6 match
- understanding
- strength
- widsom
- weight gain
- endurance
- peace
- courage
- endurance
- focus
- rest
- wisdom
- understanding
- strength
- comfort in the absence of Mom
- understanding
- strength
- comfort
- understanding
- strength
- comfort
- strength
- faith
- complete healing
- fever broke
- mouth sores gone
- positive scans
- growth has stopped and size reduced
- ease of side effects
- weight sustained
- spirit and stamina
- 2 matches found at be the match
- Jennie is doing the happy dance
Continue to remember so many friends here at St. Jude (and some back in Baton Rouge): Caroline (in OLOL right now), Maggie, Konner, Preston, Eli, Kya, Aidan, Brooklyn (Baton Rouge) and Trevor.
updated 12/22/10
updated 12/22/10