Fasting List

"However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."  Matthew 17:21

Thank you for Fasting for Gabe.

For those fasting, here are some ways to participate:  fast a meal a day, all day fast, partial day fast, after 6 pm fast,  juice only fast.  Or you could fast from cold drinks, chocolate, desserts, etc.  For those who cannot fast from food, you can fast a day of tv, computer, video games, social media, etc. 

We ask that you pray about what type of fast the Lord would have you do and then email to have your information included on this list. 

If your Church would like to commit to the fast, email the information to

Name  &  Day and/or Time Fasting

Misty Y. (caffeine)

Rebecca H. (Desserts); Chad J.; Martha C. ("Daniel fast"); Nancy G (from 6pm Mon. night till 6 pm Tues. night); Jeanette M.; Tracey E. (fast until 5pm); Joshua B. (video games); Kim M. (lunch); Jodie H. & Family (food and computer games)

Rebecca H. (Desserts); Brandy M. (a meal); Martha C. ("Daniel fast"); Carrie L. (juice fast); Sarah P. (lunch); Anonymous # 2 (lunch)

Kathy C. (After 6pm); Kim C. (After 6pm); Lindsay S.; Rebecca H. (Desserts); Martha C. ("Daniel fast"); Greg & Jackie H.; Teri B. ("Daniel fast"); Christi J. (soft drinks)

Lee A. (mornings); Rebecca H. (Desserts); Chad J.; Martha C. ("Daniel fast"); Carrie L. (Juice fast);  Sarah P. (lunch)

Lorraine C.; Laura H. (a meal); Joshua B. (late - night snack); Jean W. (partial till 6pm)

Unspecified Day/Time
Anonymous; Brenda B.; Cheri C.; Linda M.; Christian H.;  Mary (3 meals a week, 1 day from Facebook); St. Patrick's Episcopal Church (Zachary, LA); Jodie H. and family; Staci B. (everyday, breakfast); Louis D. (fasting from all soft drinks); Lorna (fasting from fried foods); Caleb (desserts lunch time at school); Cheri C., Jay C., Catherine C., and Carson C. (fasting from all soft drinks); Laurie B. (fasting from milk & cookies, every night); Jennifer S. (fasting from soft drinks); Darlene G. (fasting from chocolate); James H. (breakfast); Shirley L. (evening meals 3x week); Rev. Debbie D. (as able)

Last updated 1/25/2011